Tag: exercise

7 Powerful Strategies to Accelerate Your Metabolism for Effective Weight Loss

7 Powerful Strategies to Accelerate Your Metabolism for Effective Weight Loss 7 Powerful Strategies to Accelerate Your Metabolism for Effective Weight Loss Metabolism — it’s a term often thrown around when discussing weight loss or gain, but what does it actually mean? This intricate process is your body’s engine, the power behind every function that […]

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Consistency: 8 Essential Steps to Forge Powerful Lifelong Health Habits

Consistency: 5 Essential Steps to Forge Powerful Lifelong Health Habits Consistency: 5 Essential Steps to Forge Powerful Lifelong Health Habits The pursuit of health and wellbeing goes beyond merely wanting to look good in front of the mirror. It’s a lifelong journey, an investment in consistency you make in yourself that brings abundant returns. It […]

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What is Metabolism?

  What is metabolism? We all know someone who seems like they can eat whatever they want without gaining weight. They are high-energy hummingbirds who don’t ever slow down. On the other hand, we also probably know someone who has to watch every bite of food they eat. They are slower and have lower energy.  […]

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5 Fitness Lifehacks

Did you know you can avoid the negative mental effects of aging & even Alzheimer’s disease by simply staying fit? Research has shown that improving your fitness level may improve your brain health and slow down the aging process. A recent study found that those who had a higher fitness level had improved brain health […]

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Dealing with Depression while on a Diet

Most dieters are unhappy about having to diet, but few are genuinely depressed.  Depression can manifest itself in the form of sadness, emptiness, anger, irritability, and/or an overall inability to control one’s emotions.  Many women who experience premenstrual syndrome also experience depression, irritability, and weight gain that is not necessarily connected to dieting. That said, if […]

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