Finding the motivation to lose weight get fit isn’t easy. In fact, when we look at “so-called” fitness motivation photos of people with the ideal body and compare our soft around the middle selves to them it can seem so overwhelming and discouraging that many of us don’t even try as a result. At MD Diet we’ve found that instead of focusing on how far we have to go if we take it a day at a time and focus on changing some small habits, it’ll make things a lot easier and more doable. Here are 5 Fitness Hacks to get you started.

Tip # 1 Set A Goal

Set some doable personal fitness goals. Goals can provide direction, help you focus on what’s most important, provide motivation and give you a sense of purpose in life. They can be big or small. it doesn’t matter. Here’s a simple fitness goal to get you started: take the stairs instead of the elevator. This simple act will get you moving, is easy to accomplish and will motivate you to set and achieve bigger goals.

Tip # 2 Try Out a Class

Try out a new exercise class. A few of our favorite classes are Zumba, Cycling, Yoga & Water Aerobics. A class will help you make new friends and give you an instructor that can help you safely learn a new activity and keep you accountable.

Tip # 3 In With the Good, Out With The Bad

Replace that addictive high-calorie soda with some flavored water for a healthier treat that keeps you hydrated. Adding fresh fruit to your drink can be way DELICIOUS! One of our favorite drive-through options is fruit water from Swig!

Tip # 4 Be a Health Foodie


Become a health foodie by trying out at least 1 new healthy food a week. We’ve got loads of healthy recipes and ideas on our blog that you can try. Check out our most popular recipe here

Tip # 5 Workout Swag

Get yourself a cute new workout outfit that you feel comfortable and confident in. Even grab yourself a fun matching water bottle! If you’re just working out at home, that workout swag can help you to feel great, look great and be a little more motivated to burn some calories.