Weight loss is no easy feat during the holidays and no one wants to be a killjoy at a Christmas party or a family get-together. The holiday season seems to last forever! It consists of nearly two months of celebrating with goodies appearing in homes and offices from October till New Years.
By Christmas, most of the plans to eat less and exercise more have dwindled, and it’s easy to gain weight. At any time of the year, losing weight and keeping it off is pretty difficult. Holidays are an especially high-risk time. The idea that you should stick to a “diet to lose pounds” is adding stress to an already stressful season.
But when it comes to dealing with the tempestuous holiday treats, you don’t have to be a Grinch. Making a few simple adjustments to your holiday baking will go a really long way and help you keep that Christmas spirit. Do you REALLY know what’s in your holiday foods? Well, you’re going to want to. For instance, did you know that ½ cup of vegetable oil contains over 950 calories!? Yikes! Swap in applesauce for that oil and save a whopping 900 calories and 110 grams of fat. Woot-Woot!
At MD Diet, we’ve come up with some “swaptions”. Swap + Options = Swaptions! You can still enjoy the holidays and stick to your weight loss plan too. These tips will sleigh you!