Meet Cyndi Aguilar, one of our patients who went on a weight loss plan here at MD Diet and lost 65 pounds!
Tell me about yourself?
My name is Cyndi Aguilar. I am 30 years old, I come from a hispanic family and I process the payroll for where I work. I’m the second child of three.
How much weight did you lose?
I’ve lost 65 lbs. I’m really proud of myself!
Why did you decide you wanted to lose weight?
My family loves food and because of the good food we have, I had to make a lifestyle change and go to MD Diet. I come from a pretty obese family. My grandma was a diabetic and my grandpa had heart disease. This made me want to lose weight. That and because my mom was constantly pushing me to.
Why MD Diet?
Because one of my aunts used to go to MD Diet 15-20 years ago and lost a lot of weight from one of the diets. She brought it up with me so I decided to try it and I’m really happy I did.
What has your experience been with the diet program?
My experience has been really good. I haven’t tried any other diets before. This was the first I tried and I enjoyed being on the diet, even though it was tough during the holidays. Seeing everyone enjoying the holiday food, I wasn’t able to enjoy it, because I wanted to get to my goal as fast as possible.
What sort of opposition did you face during your weight loss journey?
The most difficult part was not being able to have my favorite foods like chocolate or soda. I have a sweet tooth and it was hard to leave those things behind.
How did losing weight positively affect your life?
I was surprised to see how much weight I lost in the first two months and how quickly. I am now able to more easily make healthy choices. After I changed my lifestyle, I’ve started going to the gym. You can’t get me out of the gym! I love hiking and swimming. I feel like ever since I’ve taken the steps to lose weight, my family has followed my lead and has begun to lose weight as well!
What have your family and friends said about your weight loss?
They’re really impressed! They didn’t think I would be able to keep my diet up. I’ve said that I would go on a diet so many times. They’re surprised I pulled it off this time.
If someone called and asked, “Why should I go to MD Diet?” What would you tell them?
They will have a great and supportive staff that will be able to help them out. They motivated me, gave me advice on what to eat, and increased my protein if I ever hit a plateau. MD Diet has a really good diet plan and appetite suppressants that helps lose weight. MD Diet has everything that you need to lose weight.
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